Managed Direct

What is Managed Direct?

Managed Direct is an online non-advised investment proposition enabling you to invest into a Pension or Stocks & Shares ISA account that is low cost, fully online with telephone support and backed by P1 Investment Services Ltd, one of the UK’s largest and most established investment managers.

Is this right for me?

Managed Direct is a new way for clients to invest who do not require advice but don’t want the responsibility for running everything themselves. Managed Direct offers a low cost, fully online experience with telephone support.

What is Calver Groom Financial Management’s role in this?

This is a non-advised solution which is not run directly by Calver Groom Financial Management. The provider is a company called Quai Administration Services Limited and the investments are managed by P1 Investment Services Ltd. These companies offer a sound, reliable service and have a proven performance track record. Calver Groom Financial Management do not take responsibility for the suitability of the solutions provided, however we will support you with the use of the service and are available should you wish to discuss your finances in the future.

How does it work?

This is a quick, simple and fully automated service both at the point of application and once the plan has been set up. You can monitor your investments online and make changes whenever you wish to.

What you need to know

  • An arrangement with Managed Direct is an investment and as such your capital is not guaranteed.
  • Investments should always be considered as medium to long term, minimum 5 years, and during this time you will expect to see your capital and returns fluctuate in value.
  • Before deciding upon a long-term investment, you should ensure that you have sufficient savings in deposit-based accounts to cover any expected or unexpected short-term expenditure so as to minimise the risk of having to withdraw money sooner than planned from your investments.
  • This information, other rules, details of charges and the details of your investment options are all available when you enter the Managed Direct site. Please be sure to read the Key Features and Terms & Conditions documents on the site before proceeding.
  • Calver Groom Financial Management do receive a small fee when you invest with Managed Direct, but we DO NOT PROVIDE ADVICE on this arrangement. This fee covers our costs for administration of the service and to provide you with a point of contact now or in the future, should you want one. We receive a fee of 0.50%; putting it another way, for every £100.00 you invest Calver Groom Financial Management receive 50p a year.

Please make sure you have read and fully understood all of the above before proceeding.


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